General Steel Construction


Please Note That The Majority of These Conditions Can Be Allowed For in Our Price If Required:

1. It is the responsibility of the main contractors to provide protection to existing structures near any hot-works being carried out. This is because we do not carry the equipment required to protect windows, roofs, etc.

2. All primer painted material must be clad or top-coated within one month of application to avoid damage to paint system.

3. All zinc-metal sprayed material must be clad in, or top coated with, an approved paint system within three (3) months of application to avoid damage to the paint system.

4. All propping and scaffolding is to be provided by the main contractor.

5. All dry-packing is to be provided by the main contractor.

6. We will drill all holes through all steel unless it is noted on the drawings that no holes are required.

7. We will supply all steel-to-concrete bolts and steel-to-steel bolts (galvanised only).

8. All steel-to-timber bolts and holes through timber are the responsibility of the main contractor.

9. A full set of council stamped engineering and architectural drawings must be on site at all times, and our staff must have unrestricted access to them.

10. There must be sufficient power on site to run a caddy welder (12amp fuse or better). If a welder generator is required, all charges will be forwarded to the main contractor.

11. There is no allowance in our price for core drilling of holes through concrete if reinforcing steel is hit while we are drilling steel to concrete connections. If this occurs we will require the main contractor to arrange core drilling.

12. There must be a representative of the main contractor on site at the commencement of the project and during installation of steelwork.

13. Black Steel Mobile Ltd accepts returned product for disposal.

“Quality and good value are at the core of everything we do.”

– Fatu Fuatavai, Managing Director, Black Steel Mobile